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Ladies and Gentlemen, the 2023 Lyrically Inclined Poetry Slam Team will represent the city of Lafayette, LA at the Largest Poetry Slam Festive in the United States between June 7-10, 2023 in Knoxville, TN 
below are our scheduled bouts for the Tournament!

Day 1, Bout 4 

Knoxville Convention Center 

Room 200A 8:30pm
1. Lyrically Inclined (Lafayette, LA) 


2. St. Louis Poetry Slam (St. Louis, MO.)


3. Bull City Poetry Slam (Durham, NC)


4. Say What! (Greenville, SC.)


TREZ DA TRUTH-Spartanburg, SC

2 CHILL PHYL-Washington, D.C. 

Lyrical Faith -New York City, NY

Monarch the Poet - Las Vegas, NV


Day 2, Bout 14

Knoxville Convention Center

Room 300D 8:30pm 
1. Lyrically Inclined (Lafayette, LA)


2. Pure Ink Poetry (Buffalo, New York)


3. Louisville Lip Slam Team (Louisville, KY)


4. The Writer's Den (Richmond, VA)

Day 3, Bout 18

Knoxville Convention Center

Room 200A 8:30pm 
1. Lyrically Inclined (Lafayette, LA) 


2. Exit 36 (Pompano Beach, FL)


3. Pure Ink Poetry (Buffalo, New York)


4. Write About Now Poetry (Houston, TX)


Natalie Sun Frost-Memphis, TN

2 CHILL PHYL-Washington D.C.

Will-Long Island, NY

Brave Nate-Covington KY



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2023 Lyrically Inclined Poetry Slam Team Members

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Alex PoeticSoul

2022 13th

Ranked Slam Poet

In The Nation


106 National Poets


Creole Nebulas

Lyrically Inclined 

September &

May 2023

Slam Champion

Ascension the Artist 

2022 27th

Ranked Slam Poet

In The Nation


106 National Poets

Jay Vintage

2022 Lyrically Inclined

3rd Ranked

Slam Team

Grand Slam Winner


Rendell McCovins

2023 Lyrically Inclined

Slam Team

4th-Place Runner Up.


Lyrically Inclined337, Inc. Mission Statement


Lyrically Inclined strives to encourage the use of spoken word poetry as a tool to express emotion, develop a higher level of literacy and performance for residents to Lafayette Parish, and throughout Acadiana. By providing creative platforms for youth and adults, Lyrically Inclined will contribute to the advancement of artists, poets, and the community.


What is a Poetry Slam? 


A Poetry Slam is the competitive art of performance poetry, poets write original poems on any style or subject matter often times memorized and performed before a live audience, five judges are randomly selected from the audience and score  each poet on a scale of 1 to 10 using one decimal point to avoid ties based on how well the poem was written as well as the performance of the poem, so a performance might get a 7.7, 8.5, 9.1 or a perfect 10 for a performance, we then drop the high and low scores and add up the three middle scores for a final score, so a perfect score is a 30.0. 


After all the scores are tabulated the final ranking are announced. 

Come out to the Poetry Slams for your chance to become a member of the 2023 Lyrically Inclined Poetry Slam Team!

The Lyrically Inclined Poetry Slam & Open Mic will be holding poetry slams each month for poets to earn points towards making the finals and a chance to represent Lafayette, Louisiana at the 2023 Southern Fried Regional Poetry Slam in Knoxville, Tennessee. Poets will need to bring 2 original poems and compete against other poets to earn points on this scale, 1st place earns 10 points, 2nd place earns 7 points, 3rd place earns 5 points, 4th place earns 3 points, 5th place earns 2 points , hosting/just for slamming earns 1 points.


Here is the bout structure of the Lyrically Inclined 337, Inc. Poetry Slam.

There is a limit of 8 poets each slam ( so get there early to sign the list) 

If we have 5 poets or less each will perform two poems, if he have 6 to 8 poets, each poet will perform 1 poem with the top 5 poets coming back to perform a 2nd poem. 


Open slams will take place each month from September 20, 2022 to December 2022 and the top 10 point earners will compete in the January 2023 Grand Slam finals and the top 5 scoring poets in the finals will make the 2023 Lyrically Inclined Poetry Slam Team!


Poetry Slam Judges 

Poetry Slam Timekeepers 

Poetry Slam Scorekeepers 

Poetry Slam Doorkeepers

 The updated Lyrically Inclined Poetry Slam Scores and Poets Rankings as of January 17, 2023.

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Please help the 2023

Lyrically Inclined Slam Team

represent you at the 2023 Southern Regional Poetry Slam Festival in Knoxville, Tennessee on June 7-11, 2023 by clicking

on the link below

and donating, your support is

much appreciated

please click link below to donate to our team


Please click on image below to check out the official website of the 



Purchase Lyrically Inclined Approved Products

We have deals that will give you exclusive access to  new arrivals and other special offers. 

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Follow Us On These Social Media Platforms

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Lyrically Inclined Official Sponsors 

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Thank you for visiting our site, please return as more information will be added!

© 2023 Lyrically Inclined337. Proudly created by DMMEDIA337

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